Free CPU List + website link

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Advanced Member level 3
May 17, 2001
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mico32 xilinx


Free CPU list:
Here is the list of Free CPUs available or curently under development -

F-CPU 64-bit Freedom CPU h**p:// mirror site at h**p://

European Space Agency - SPARC architecture LEON CPU h**p://
European Space Agency - ERC32 SPARC V7 CPU h**p://
Atmel ERC32 SPARC part # TSC695E h**p:// click on Aerospace=>Space=>Processors

Sayuri at h**p:// and manufactured by Morphy Planning Ltd at h**p:// and feature list at h**p:// and in Japanese language at h**p://

OpenRISC 1000 Free 32-bit processor IP core competing with proprietary ARM and MIPS is at h**p://
OpenRISC 2000 is at h**p://
STM 32-bit, 2-way superscalar RISC CPU h**p://

Green Mountain - GM HC11 CPU Core is at h**p://
Open-source CPU site - Google Search "Computers>Hardware>Open Source" h**p://
Free microprocessor and DSP IP cores written in Verilog or VHDL h**p://
Free hardware cores to speed development h**p://
Linux open hardware and free EDA systems h**p://

1. h**p://

* -> t


Good,Thank You

/ Warning #1 - No thanks here! /

maybe someone can compile a list with MCU's/CPU's you can really get free as a sample request???


ATMEL: AT91xxxx ARM7TDMI core, free samples from

hopefully a lot more???

You can request pic micros from if you don't live in Poland, Turkey, Russia, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Czech Rep., Bosnia, Africa, Yugoslavia, Egypt, and Slovakia! I can't request!

Re: Free CPU List

Can enybody tell me where do I get free samples of various ARM devices

ash said:
You can request pic micros from if you don't live in Poland, Turkey, Russia, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Czech Rep., Bosnia, Africa, Yugoslavia, Egypt, and Slovakia! I can't request!

and Bangladesh as well !

Re: Free CPU List

Brazil and some other South/Central America too!


Re: Free CPU List

I'm surprised no one has spotted this one let:

Lattice Semiconductor Mico32 32-bit RISC microcontroller

Distributed under GPL license.

Verilog 2001 RTL Source-code
GNU toolchain (GCC, BINUTILS, GDB), etc.


The RTL needs some hand-modification to compile in Xilinx Webpack 9.1, or Quartus II 7.1. (Simple changes...)

Free CPU List

Guys... don't get side tracked.. free means the design is open with VHDL/RTL code... not free samples !

Free CPU List

I am considering setting up a global free sample distribution point, my company would buy the chips and ship them out to places the other companies don't allow so long as it does not break any trade regulations. Included would be items such as gps modules, atmel and microchip MCU,s A/D converters, Lipo's video capture units, DSP's etc. There would be a requirement to state what the project is and what you expect to get ou of it, we would then make an agreement to send the items for free in return for a 1% share of profits if the item is commercially sold.

I'd be interested in you guys feedback regarding this , to see if its worth doing.


Re: Free CPU List

Several problems with this business-model:
1) lack of enforcement: how do you verify if customer is honest? They might just take a bunch of free samples, and run.

2) lack of tech-support: if you are not an authorized distributor for the parts, then the vendors give you no tech-support. If your customer is serious about developing a product using those parts, he will need some kind of tech-support. The major US semicon distributors (Avnet, Nu Horizons, etc.) have many field application engineers to support lower-volume customers. Higher volume-customers deal direct with the part manufacturer. (I.e. Dell goes directly to Intel, they don't go through any distributor.)

3) non-sustainable business-model : in shareware industry, less than 2% of users actually register. Out of all the free samples you send out, how many will result in actual sales revenue? Probably less than 2%. Can you make money this way?


And to add to the free-CPU list:

Oregano MC8051 - VHDL 8051-compatible microcontroller (LGPL license)

Free CPU List

It not ment as a profit making venture, any losses will be offset against tax and it is intended to allow the multitude of developers out there to have a go.

And in respect of my potential payback, all it takes is one design that makes it, loosing parts to people who take and run is all part of the deal, if people ar5e found selling them on ebay then they will no longer have devices sent to them, Also these parts are not ultra high in value anyway and samples would be limited in number for any given period preventing people from using it as an income.

My goal with this project is to prevent the frustration I had for many years being turned down by companies for free samples, today with a major backer I turn unsolicited sample deliverys away, the system is not set up correctly.

The ideas are out there, they just need some backing, as for technical support, thats where this forum and others like it come in, I doubt very much if many people here call microchip to get help, when it comes to OEM equipment such as gps modules we will be shipping our own design and select others all of who have full data sheets and specs available and as ever theres the boards.

Re: Free CPU List

Customs taxes and shipping charges will be heavy, some countries charges large taxes even though you already marked your package as "FREE SAMPLE".

Free CPU List


Just quick question.
Any free DSP core like TMS320C50?

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