Fractal antenna research and design

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I'm doing microstrip fractal antenna designs with **broken link removed** antenna software.

Re: fractal antenna design software


Is here anybody who is interested in this exciting topic(means fractal antennas, fractal resonators, fractals in electromagnetics and other applications)?? I'd like to share my experiences with other antenna researchers.

sir iam intrested to do research in fractal antennas for my mtech project can sugest me topics for that

Re: koch snowflake uhf antenna

Hi!! eirp...

I want to PHD on fractal antenna can u suggest any topic related to that.....

Re: koch snowflake uhf antenna

Can anybody help me to suggest how to find the dimension in cross shape antenna for a particular frequency . I am designing using DRA.

Why not take some formula, generate layout and do 2d/3d simulation over some range of input parameters, use criteria to find good solution?

For single patch antenna with fed on one side: for frequency F vary W,H: W=1mm to 100mm, H=1mm to 100mm. Delta=0.001mm. Find best radiation pattern, S11, etc.
For fractal antenna: for frequency F take formula, vary formula parameters with some Delta. Generate layout for each iteration, Find best radiation patterm, S11, etc.

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