Fractal antenna research and design

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reseacher in antenna design

Are you sure original patent is from Fractenna, eirp?

As far as I know, Fractus is a spin-off from the UPC (a spanish university) made by the professors who developed the Sierpinsky fractal antenna and its concept.

I don't really know much about Fractenna so my oppinion could be a little bit biased... I'm really interested in knowing more about this topic.

In respect to investigation. Yes, it is still a hot topic. In fact, there is an european funded project dedicated exclusively to this.

fractal antenna array

I'm very sorry, Darkseed.

Of course, Fractus, not Fractenna. I've made mistake...
We can share our materials/experiences. I'm very interested in this topic!!

fractal antenna design.pdf

I have information that patents really belongs to FRACTUS

What's that mean? Can I build and sold some fractal antennas without FRACTUS?

fractal antenna +pdf

do you have any experiences on applying fractal antenna for time domain measurement? how to improve its polarization?

complex eigenmodes and femlab

FA is an interesting subject, but I don't think there are any real
applications that are using it yet. Several companies claim that
FA can be "much smaller" than conventional antennas, but I
haven't seen any proof. If they can actually do that, there are
a lot of markets that would be interested (cell phone...).

Still from the theoy point of view, it's a nice subject. Here's
a link to more FA links that might be helpful

**broken link removed**

tech talk on the fractal antenna

Hi all!

goxy: You can build whatever you want but you can't sold it.. You can't make money with FA

egliu: I haven't measured FA's in time domain yet. I've only simulated it in tome domain. I've analysed reflected wave-signal from simulation with wavelet transformation and I can say, there were some atributes related to fractal signal.
But now we have equipment for time-domain measurement (vector analyser up to 50GHz) so in future I can do some tests..

rntsay: Fractus makes money with FA's. They have some areas of using it. I'm not able to talk about it here, sorry.
FA can be (and are) smaller than conventional antennas, but they can't break physical limits. Thay can only approach approach limit for small antennas. It's due the fact that fractal geometry better uses the space.
There's not only miniaturization property but another research fields as localization in fractal resonators...


concept of fractal antenna

The very advantage of fractal antennas isn't its size. The reason why Fractus is earning a lot of money is because it is a multiband antenna. FA where designed to solve a very specific issue: to build base stations for 900-GSM and 1800-GSM with a single antenna. The telecom companies reduce the cost of buying 2 antennas by buying a single expensive one.

eirp: I will be really pleased to exchange knowledge about this. Personally, I haven't build one in my own but I try to keep informed in this issue.

fractal antenna design pdf


thanks for your imformation. FA can provide a very broad band. It is potential to be used in Time domain measurement as a probe. But the problem is on its polarization. do you have any solution on it

thanks and regards

fractal antenna for ham bands

goxy: You can build whatever you want but you can't sold it.. You can't make money with FA

Are they patent just a name "FRACTAL ANTENNA"?
Can I sold antenna named for example "GOXY'S SUPER ANTENNA" based on fractal geometry structure ?

fractal pcb antenna design

What exactly is "fractal signal"?
Suppose I simulate a fractal antenna, and there is something unusual. How do I know whether this is real or just some glitching in the simulation. Measurement (for verification) is also tricky. So I still have this question: is the fractal shape really essential in the unusual characteristic.

fractal antenna pcb design

Fractal signal is signal which have some attributes related to fractals i.e. selfsimilarity - repeating the same shapes under different scales. You can also compute it's fractal dimension.
Wavelet transformation is one of the method which can help get insight more into signal. Look at examples and help at Matlab/Wavelet toolbox.

In my opinion, the fractal shape doesn't need to be really essential, but it's good and straight way how to make new geometry for further studies... And fractal geometry is better using the available space.
Why the Nature uses fractal geometry??

I'm not a lawyer but I think you can sold your SUPER ANTENNA until somebody looks inside...
At Fractus page there's a list of theirs patents...

Best regards,


antenna vertical1/2 lambda

Hi friends,

the idea of self-similarity is not new, and it was used for many years (and very succesfully!) in log-periodic and the so-called frequency-independent antennas (e.g. spiral antennas).
I find that perhaps the concept of fractal antenna researchers and designers is that of multiband, and the classical concept of frequency-independent and log-periodic antennas is that of very wideband. But the basis (self-similarity) is the same.
Ideally, fractal antennas are basically self-similar at discrete scales, while frequency-independent antennas are self-similar at any scale.



I read your posts about fractal antennas and now I am interesting in study the fractal antenas properties using IE3D.
Is it available some files for IE3D (.geo) just for make simulations?

Thanks in advance.

cell phone fractal antenna

Hi, joni!

I have some Matlab files for creating .3dt files for IE3D. I have structures based on Koch and Minkowski curve. Contact me if you're interested.

fractenna design

This is, almost, true. The basis of log-periodic antennas, spiral and
similar structures is the Rumsey principle. This is: in order to build
a frequency independent antenna we describe such antenna only in
angular variables. The funny thing is that these structures are indeed
self-similar. Reseachers noticed this and started trying with the
most well-known autosimilar structures: fractals.

Ideally, fractal antennas are basically self-similar at discrete scales, while frequency-independent antennas are self-similar at any scale.


koch snowflake patch antenna

Just a thought:

I have optimized a 2x2 and 4x4 planar arrays. They are working fine. Now if i go for higher order array like 8x8 or 16x16 which are actually easy to design (very repeatitve) but difficult to analyze. But can we think them as higher order fractals? (keeping the feed line widh same as smaller order)

:!: :idea: :?:

fractal generator for antenna shape

what software to simulat fractal antenna?

how to make a fractal antenna

uestcsyj said:
what software to simulat fractal antenna?

Depends mainly - what software are you familiar with. Personally I'm using fractal generator written in Matlab, then IE3D, CST-MWS and FEMLAB.

fractal pcb antenna uhf

eirp,I have much intrest in it.but i can find the material on it.can you tell me where can i find the resourses about it.
thx a lot.

fractal antenna on pcb

Does anyone have material about Vivaldi antenna design?
Any help is welcome.

Thank you.

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