3.4.3 Bow and Twist Unless otherwise specified in the
procurement documentation, when designed in accordance
with 5.2.4 of IPC-2221, the printed board shall have a
maximum bow and twist of 0.75% for boards that use surface
mount components and 1.5% for all other boards. Panels
which contain multiple printed boards which are
assembled on the panel and later separated shall be
assessed in panel form.
Bow, twist, or any combination thereof, shall be determined
by physical measurement and percentage calculation
in accordance with IPC-TM-650, Method 2.4.22.
The IPC-6012 guideline on bow and twist. I have seen this problem with single sided boards in the past, but do so few single sided boards these days and very rarely the size you have. With reference to the spec above there can be up to 3.4mm bow for a PTH board and 1.7mm for a SMD board. What worries me is what will happen to the board during soldering!
There are two courses you can take:
Liaise with you manufacturer and see if there is anything they can do.
Go double sided and create a balanced laminate.