FPGA interfacing with camera

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shirish heller

Newbie level 5
May 3, 2014
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i want to interface my FPGA BOARD(spartan3E) with my sony camera(10Mp) and view its video on VGA display

now the problem is that when i interfaced VGA with fpga i had a manual tellin about how data goes to VGA port (and about horizontal synch,backporch,front porch etc.) but i cannot find any such manual for my sony camera

how should i interface it pleaseeee helpppp!!!!!!!!(in more detail if possible)

Need to specify how are you planning to connect the camera with the FPGA. USB, RCA, S-Video, Firewire, or something else.

Well you will need a USB controller. I dont know of there is one on opencores, and you wont get one for free from xilinx, and implementing one yourself will be very very hard.

I suggest a different interface.
Well first is what TrickyDicky says. Second, as i understand you want to see the camera image in a VGA monitor in real time. If that's the thing, you should verify that the camera is actually sending the video signal through the USB port.

Again as TrickyDicky says, try another option. Does the camera has another output?, if it has RCA or hdmi output, could be easier to do an interface with the FPGA and some video decoder IC.
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