[SOLVED] FPGA Interfacing with ADC AD7606

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Jun 21, 2022
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Im building a Multi-channel electrical power data acquisition system based on AD7606 wich is an 8-Channel ADC with 16-Bit and 800 kSPS Bipolar Input.

Can anyone please suggest a suitable fpga Evaluation-Board to sample and control the ADC ?

For further development the Build in FPGA chip, should be available in markt.

Im completely new to the FPGA, Can somebody please help me out ASAP!!!

Thank you.


I´m quite sure that any FPGA and FPGA board with suitable signal voltage levels can be used.
Sample/control isn´t a complex task for an FPGA.

But for sure in detail it depends on what the FPGA should do, how to process the data, how much RAM, what speed and what timing...and so on. Nobody knows better than you.

But you say "electrical power data acquisition". So why use bare ADCs, why not use dediccated energy metering devices? They do a lof of data processing for you.


Btw: "ASAP!!!" often is counter-productive when you ask for free assistance. Nobody want to get stressed .. for no paid jobs.
Can anyone please suggest a suitable fpga Evaluation-Board to sample and control the ADC ?
I just took a peek....
Basically you can use any FPGA development board which has an FMC connector on it. It is one of the ways to transfer data to the FPGA.
If you chose Xilinx, go for some Series 7 FPGA dev board.

Thank you so much for your reply !!
and im really sorry, i didn't mean it that way

If your sample rate was not so high this can be done 1 chip. One example (could have been differential
input, simple config of ADC and mux to do that) -

The control logic (also onchip) used -

Overall the chip has these resources, multiple copies in many instances -

Compiler and IDE (PSOC Creator) free.

Chip has logic fabric for custom design work. User community has done some
components in addition to basic library supplied as show in above pic (a component
in POSOC lingo is an onchip resource), like DDS, CPLD, 74HC logic elements, state
machines. User can design custom component with schematic capture or verilog
or both.

Each onchip component has a rich set of APIs supplied for programming.

Infineon (previously Cypress) PSOC 5LP family.

Regards, Dana.
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