FPGA design flow of a base modem.Please READ and participate

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Advanced Member level 4
Apr 12, 2005
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San Jose, California, USA
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buy oqpsk modem

Hello all,

It's the first time I am involved in an FPGA design, it's to design a Base modem with certain specs, listed below.. but whatever what are specs,..

I'm not looking for the design, but, where to start from? and what should the correct flow i follow? Please guide me throught this thread..

Also, what is expected time to finish the project? suggested tools? suggested readings?

Finally, it's required to be on a PGE FPGA (not a BGA one), so, can someone suggest where that FPGA package be obtaind?

Thanks alot in advance,

Appendix: Specs of modem if someone intersted to explain something based on them:

* Modulation: BPSK/QPSK/OQPSK
* Data rate: 4.8 to 512 kbps with 1bps step (close Network Modem)
* IF frequency: L-Band from 950 to 1750 MHz with 100Hz resolution. 1 x 10E-6 Internal Reference
* I/O interface: RS242/V.35/RS232 selectable interface with 25 pin EIA530 DCE & 37 pin RS449 DCE connectors
* Decoder: Viterbi FEC Viterbi FEC (to IESS 308/309), rate 1/2, 3/4 & 7/8 in BPSK, QPSK and OQPSK

fpga modem

Welcome to the club....
To start with:

1. search through the e-book section of this forum for the books for VHDL/VERILOG

2. on the Xilinx, Altera website start reading appnotes

3. Deside whitch FPGA paltform you like

4. Become an expert in this platform

good lack and any more questions, just ask
fpga design flow with xilinx and vhdl

salamo3aleko Ahmed,
if u r interested in VHDL there's a good book collection i can send it to u,...
& don't worry about time ;FPGA design do not take much time if u r good in programming language ( i recommend VHDL ) but ofcourse u need other components for the Analog part of the design.

base modem vhdl

i think ur more interested in project planning.

First u follow standard process involved in project defination initiation, estimation risk timline , avaliable resource, competancy etc.

because i feel follwong a process always leads toa success.
verilog code for modem

Yes, you will definitely want to learn an HDL such as VHDL or Verilog.

I suggest buying an inexpensive FPGA development kit (includes hardware, software, and interface cables), and then trying the tutorial examples to get a feel for the work flow. The Xilinx Spartan-3E kit is a good choice. Altera probably has nice kits too. The difficult question is usually "Xilinx or Altera?"

I already knew C programming and older FPGA design using schematic entry, so I chose Verilog because it felt less alien to me than VHDL. I wasted a week trying to learn Verilog from books - their focus was all wrong for modern FPGAs. I learned much faster (a few days) by reading the Verilog sections in the Xilinx manuals, and then trying things in ModelSim and the Xilinx ISE synthesizer.
iess-310 xilinx

Thank you everyone who participated

I am really very happy that you all try to help.

But i want to clarify somethings...

I know how to write VHDL code, yes i'm not advanced, but i know bit more than basics, however, It's highly appreciated to read more about it..

Iouri, Thank you very much for your sweet words ... and i won't hesitate to ask more questions hopefully you participate in suggestions .. Here's one, I'm interested to know specially where to start in modem design, let's say I want to write a VHDL code for OQPSK or other modulation scheme, what does this mean in terms of code? examples may clarify things more..

han00oo, Wa Alaykom assalaam ..special thank to you for your offer.. It will be kind from you to send to my e-mail what you see useful to me, send it to: ahmad_abdulghany@yahoo.com

bansalr, thank you to your correct guess!, if you know where to obtain papers that describe these standards, take mine for example, IESS 308/309... and if you can post more detailed description much dedicated to Modems design .. this will be great...

echo47, Thanks for the idea, I practiced with an Altera FPGA kit before, and i will thik later to buy my own kit.. concidering C language, I also know how to program in C, however, i find it's easier to program VHDL ... anyway, I'm looking forward to learn Verilog-A..

Thanks alot in advance,

modem fpga design

Hello to All

I need these spec paper too. for my MODEM in attachment.

iess 308/309/310
thanks a lot.


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