1. I am using MATHXO2 1200U 250BGA PACK for I/O reading purpose , in this readed data have to send to other controller through Ethernet concept is it possible?
can we write luckup table for Ethernet for MATHXO2 1200U CPLD. (For fast communication purpose)
the MACHX02 1200U doesn't seem very large with only 1280 LUTs. From Lattice's website there is no support for the Ethernet core on an X02. Now this doesn't mean it can't be done, but considering they have no support for it and it's a pretty common core that is usually supplied by a vendor for all their devices that can support it....
The logic resources might be sufficient to communicate with a wiznet hard-TCP controller, an Lantronix XPORT device, or of course any microcontroller with build-in TCP stack and ethernet interface.