I have problem with FORTRAN command. For your information, I still new in Fortran. Thus, my question is.... Is there any FORTRAN command that similar to Matlab's command such as FIND command.
For instance:
% In Matlab:-
A=[1 2 3 4 5];
B=find(A ~= 2);
The result will be ..... B = [1 3 4 5]
How to program it in FORTRAN? Please advise.... anyone please!
I already have that book with me. The book author is Chapman....right? But since I am consider myself as a begineer in this language, so I really need help on this matter. Anyone that can help me?
Some versions of fortran have "find" and "list variables" like commands and some do not. It has been a long time since I have had to deal with that code and the details are foggy.
Sometimes it is helpful just to know that a feature exixts. You might also be able to search the program listing with a text editor as the fortran search features are not as good as what we now have come to expect.