Forcing Ares (Proteus) to do Autorouting on only one side

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Mar 25, 2006
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ares single layer


I am designing PCB with Proteus Ares. The autorouter is by default using double sided pcb layout. I want to make only single sided pcbs. can any one please help me out. I tried to define both horizontal and vertical layers as bottom copper but no use.

I tried everything mentioned here:

but no use.

autoroute proteus

In Versions prior to V7.4 you need to set the layer usage on a per strategy basis (unless you have defined your own strategies in ISIS you are likely to only have three; POWER, BUS and SIGNAL).

Version 7.4 is identical except you work through the Design Rule Manager on a net class basis.


ares proteus

Select system, then Strategies
Then set all pairs to bottom copper. Usually defaults to 2 layer so really only pair one need changing to bottom copper, both should be blue. If you have specified other strategies such as power, you also need to do the same with that, just select in top left box before changing. Easy!

Added after 1 minutes:

Should have mentioned this is in Ares of course


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proteus one side pcb

Ok, Thanks, I guess it does autoroute in bottom layer only, but if the ics are tightly packed, it does not fail to auto route but uses the top layer instead.

proteus 1 layer

Whenever I have tried using autoroute, it has just failed to complete on dense boards, maybe there has been a recent change. I always hand route anyway, so probably would not have noticed this.

proteus autoroute

Please help me out fast as I am still unable to draw a single sided PCB on Proteus as I found the software very nice but get badly hurt when found that not supporting single layer PCB.

So please help me out as soon as possible as project date approaching.

Gaurav Sharma

Re: Forcing Ares (Proteus) to do Autorouting on only one sid

Watch this video tutorial

**broken link removed**


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