Get a tutorial on using Eagle, particularly how to make library parts. Trying to walk you through the entire process through the medium of this forum is quite inefficient.
Basically, in the Eagle control panel, open Library... Pick the device (or package)you want to modify. Click on Package. Use whatever copy method you know. (I highlight and cut.) Then open your personal library. If you don't have one, make one. Enter the name for the new package. TSSOP-38 might be appropriate. Paste the device you copied. Now it is just a standard Windows procedure for drawing. You can pull the device to the proper outline, copy or add pins, etc. until you have what you want.
Although some people object to using the grid as a drawing tool, I use it when I am making a package. You can also use the command language or other tricks to get the dimensions and pad locations that your need. Save, then do the same thing for creating a Symbol for your part. Finally, you mate the Symbol to the Package to get a device.