Advanced Member level 6

We are doing a CCM Flyback at 45W. Vin 48V, Vout 15v, fsw 150kHz.
Transformer is EFD25 Ferroxcube with 3F3 ferrite. Gap is 0.32mm for AL=250.
Turns gives 1:1 (13:13).
Primary current is 3.16A to 5.16A, so that gives a B(pkpk) of 0.105T. The ferroxcube graphs only require us to consider half of that, so we are taking 0.053T and finding our power density is just 200Kw/m^3. Since the core volume is just 3300mm^2, our core loss is just 0.6W. This is great news, but sounds rather low?
3F3 ferrite
We are doing a CCM Flyback at 45W. Vin 48V, Vout 15v, fsw 150kHz.
Transformer is EFD25 Ferroxcube with 3F3 ferrite. Gap is 0.32mm for AL=250.
Turns gives 1:1 (13:13).
Primary current is 3.16A to 5.16A, so that gives a B(pkpk) of 0.105T. The ferroxcube graphs only require us to consider half of that, so we are taking 0.053T and finding our power density is just 200Kw/m^3. Since the core volume is just 3300mm^2, our core loss is just 0.6W. This is great news, but sounds rather low?
3F3 ferrite