Hello ,I have now been given a copy of this scopes software v4.1 .
This is different to the the eprom I have which says v 5.0 .
The scope still did not work however ,as I then found the eprom was faulty .
A replacement 27256 did not work ,and after a lot of wrong gueses,I found
the replacement eprom had become faulty also .
A helpful engineer told me the power supply board gives a lot of problems ,
and to change all 15 axial blue electrolytics .
After doing this and programing another 27256 ,I was now presented with the LCD
screen display flashing all segments followed by what I think is the default settings.
The crt now gives a very broad line display .
The problem now is none of the front panel buttons work !
The adjustable controls Y position etc work ,I can move the trace up and down ,side to side
just none of the switches to set ranges work .
After changing D9014 ram to no effect ,I think the problem is either the 8032 cpu or the
software is not compatible .
Philips made several versions of this scope which is causing me too much trouble.
Here is to the New Year