Hi there, here's the code without float pkg.
package pk5 is
type T is range 0.0 to 50.0;
type T1 is array (0 to 3) of T;
end pk5;
library IEEE;
use work.pk5.all;
entity add is
Port ( x : in T1 ;
y : in T1;
h : in T;
x_o : out T1;
y_o : out T1);
end add;
architecture Behavioral of add is
signal p, q : T1;
process(x, y, h)
p_o(0) <= x(_o0);
q_o(0) <= y_o(0);
addi: for i in 1 to 3 loop
p_o(i) <= p(i-1) + h;
q_o(i) <= q(i-1) - x(i-1);
end loop;
x_o <= p;
y_o <= q;
end process;
end Behavioural;
Test Bench:
library IEEE;
use work.pk5.all;
entity add_TB is
end add_TB;
architecture Behavioral of add_TB is
component add is
Port ( x : in T1;
y : in T1;
h : in T;
x_o : out T1;
y_o : out T1);
end component;
signal x: T1;
signal y: T1;
signal h: T;
signal x_o: T1;
signal y_o: T1;
uut: add port map (
x => x,
y => y,
h => h,
x_o => x_o,
y_o => y_o);
add_proc: process
x(0) <= 1.0;
y(0) <= 10.0;
h <= 0.1;
wait for 5 ns;
end process;
end Behavioral;
Here, using type it is running the simulation but it is not synthesized. Whenever I am using ieee.float_pkg.all or ieee_proposed.float_pkg.all, it is giving a red mark over there and its not running. I dont know how to change the code to make it synthesized.
I also downloaded some fpu unit from freecores/fpu_double, but don't know how to use it using VHDL code.
Please help!