Oct 27, 2007 #1 M manish12 Advanced Member level 3 Joined Nov 21, 2006 Messages 983 Helped 66 Reputation 132 Reaction score 33 Trophy points 1,308 Activity points 6,117 hi to all , i need the flash ver or equ to this PIC thank you
Oct 27, 2007 #2 R rkodaira Full Member level 6 Joined Jun 8, 2004 Messages 331 Helped 68 Reputation 136 Reaction score 12 Trophy points 1,298 Location Sao Paulo - Brasil Activity points 4,092 Try the 16F819, it is not the flash version of 16C711, but it has the same pin counter but with some modifications in yout 711 code, it works well, and does not need xtal, as it has internal oscillator. Obs: 819 ADC is 10 bits, not 8 bits of 711.
Try the 16F819, it is not the flash version of 16C711, but it has the same pin counter but with some modifications in yout 711 code, it works well, and does not need xtal, as it has internal oscillator. Obs: 819 ADC is 10 bits, not 8 bits of 711.