I want to find frequency of operation for my_design at (i)Min area (ii)Max performance.
And my synthesis script is as follows:
analyze -f VHDL lib -work my_design.vhd
elborate my_design -library work
create_clock -name "clock1" -period N clk
set_max_area 0.0
compile -incremental -map_effort high
For finding freq at min area above script was used with
a) removing create clk cmd: total area=10625.101429 , data arrival time=3.28
b) clk period as 50 ns : total area=10923.217473 , data arrival time=3.14
c) clk period as 10 ns : total area=10803.265446 , data arrival time=3.13
d) clk period as 7 ns : total area=10779.980644 , data arrival time=3.84
e) clk period as 3.84 ns : total area=10780.333444 , data arrival time=3.64
I am working on maximum perofromance with removing set_max_area command and set compile map_effort low.
a) clk period as 50 ns : total area=10923.217473 , data arrival time=3.87
b) clk period as 25 ns : total area=10923.217473 , data arrival time=3.87
c) clk period as 0 ns : total area=13494.776588 , data arrival time=1.82
I am a beginner in Design compiler.I am not able to make any inference with these results and don't understand how DC is optimising the design. Am Iapproaching the problem in the right manner? Any suggestions is welcome