Ok. I am using the wave port to excite my patch antenna. If you are using lump port, maybe it can't work out since lump port don't have deembed setting.
First, assign the excitation of the rectangular sheet as waveport.
you will go through this kind of steps.
1) General (name the waveport)
2) Modes (don't change anything, left default)
3) Post Processing (tick on the box "Do not renormalize". At the Deembed setting there, thick the box "deembed", and key in the distance. The distance is your length of feed/micsrotrip line/trace.
4) then, click ok.
after completely running the simulation, right click result (at project tree)
5) create modal solution data report-->rectangular plot-->Z parameter-->magnitude-->create new report.
then, u can plot on the resonance frequency (solution frequency that you need) to measure the impedance of input antenna (impedance at the edge of antenna where connect to the transmission line).
another alternative way is, right click result (at project tree)
5) solution data --> thick on Z matrix --> choose the resonant frequency --> see the 1st positive value at the column Z waveport (this is the impedance of input antenna)
Hope it helps.