find phase relation between two waves?

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Well, I am confused, too. What do you mean "what is the relation"?

x is unknown; y is unknown==> relation is unknown.

The phase difference between the two waves is 2x-y. Is that significant?

Actually, you seem to be missing something. If x and y are constants, your two signals are also constants. Is there supposed to be a "t" in there somewhere?
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x and y are angle variables (say theta and alpha) so take x=w*t = 2*pi*f1*t and y =2*pi*f2*t

how do i find the phase difference 2x-y = ? , need two equation, for x and y but i only need their relation so what i am looking for is relation like this 2x-y = pi, then y =2x-pi for example

so i am looking for phase difference value given that the one wave makes 1 cycle in 2pi period and another wave makes 2 cycle in 2pi period

i am not clear what i need to know to find phase difference


You can check their cross correlation functions and you can find the relation between two of them.

Tao is the time difference.
What exactly are you trying to do? Your descriptions do not make sense. Please provide more clear information.

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