Dear goldsmith
Hi my friend
If you try to make a buffer (Vin- shorted to output) then a homemade (using discrete components but without compensation capasitor) opamp will start to oscillate. It will oscillate due to the short between input and output. It is easy to grow an unwanted signal due to high frequency phase shifts between Vin- and output, when Vin- is getting all of the output voltage.
Now if you try to make a X100 non-inverting amplifier (Vin- gets a small fraction of the output) then a homemade opamp will not oscillate. Beacuse it is not easy to grow any unwanted signal between Vin- and output, as Vin- is getting so small fraction of the output.
Now if you try to put a compensation capasitor inside such homemade opamp to make it stable for buffer (unity gain) circuit, then the opamp will become a low slew rate opamp. Thats why, to achieve such unity gain stability, most of the general purpose opamp's slew rate is reduced intentionally by the manufacturer.
With best regards