Advanced Member level 3
Hello! I am biasing FET oscillator with three resistors. After choosing optimal load line and Q point I calculated Rd and Rs values. Additionaly put Rg resistor to "isolate" from voltage ground.
I use multimeter to measure Vgs and Vds. When i measure Vgs voltage, it is almost -0.6v (i need -0.3v). Then i discovered that have additional -0.3 voltage drop at gate resistor Rg additional to required -0.3v at Rs. I do not understand, is it because of oscillation, and i can't measure DC of Vgs with multimeter, so real Vgs is -0.3v or some other problem?
I use multimeter to measure Vgs and Vds. When i measure Vgs voltage, it is almost -0.6v (i need -0.3v). Then i discovered that have additional -0.3 voltage drop at gate resistor Rg additional to required -0.3v at Rs. I do not understand, is it because of oscillation, and i can't measure DC of Vgs with multimeter, so real Vgs is -0.3v or some other problem?