Fault injection into or1200 processor

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Newbie level 4
Jul 18, 2014
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Hi buddies

i need to inject fault into or1200 processor..can someone help me.i went through open cores website. But i could not get a brief explanation.

What type of fault injection do you desire? Is it simulation based fault injection?
Have alook at this IEEE paper to have an idea: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=6523654&tag=1

Thank you for your response.I have taken same ieee paper as my base paper. I needto inject simulation based fault injection only and i use altera cyclone 2 board for my project.i went throught opencores website but i couldn t get a brief idea..can you u please help me out

"i need to inject fault into or1200 processor..can someone help me"...
See in this forum you need to be specific, this is a very top level idea you have mentioned. Fault injection isn't something which could be described in a couple of paragraphs or it is almost impossible for someone here will just give you the complete description and design (without understand your requirements, targets and boundary conditions).
You need to read a good book or some good papers as to how others have implemented fault injection. After understanding fault injection and specifically what you really want to do, you have to design the fault injection logic yourself (this is where you can ask for help when facing specific problems pertaining to logic design) that will be interfacing with whatever DUT you have.
Good luck!

Will make a good study over it
Thank you

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