Fast Passive Parallel FPGA configuration through Parallel Flash Loader IP.

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Newbie level 4
Apr 24, 2012
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There is a Cyclone 4 Development Board. MAX II CPLD is on the board.
My purpose is to configure Cyclone 4 FPGA through Parallel Flash Loader (PFL) that is inside MAX II in Fast Passive Parallel Mode (FPP).
My steps are following:

- Attach specified .pof file to MAX II CPLD that is in Quartus Programmer JTAG chain.
- Attach flash device to MAX II CPLD.
- Specify the correct flash .pof file that contains Cyclone 4 FPGA image as a flash device connected to MAX II.
- Set up Program/Configure field.
- Press "Start" to configure system.

MAX II CPLD is managed to be configured. When flash is being programed the following message to be shown:

Info (209018): Device 1 silicon ID is not ready - waiting for pfl_flash_access_granted to be asserted
Info (209018): Device 1 silicon ID is not ready - waiting for pfl_flash_access_granted to be asserted
Info (209018): Device 1 silicon ID is not ready - waiting for pfl_flash_access_granted to be asserted


Info (209018): Device 1 silicon ID is not ready - waiting for pfl_flash_access_granted to be asserted
Info (209018): Device 1 silicon ID is not ready - waiting for pfl_flash_access_granted to be asserted
Error (209064): Failed to get access to the flash interface
Error (209012): Operation failed

I can't to find anywhere what does this message mean.
Please, help me to find out how to resolve it.

Thank you in advance!

The message says that the PFL IP input signal pfl_flash_access_granted isn't set. It's a handshake signal for applications where PFL isn't exclusively controlling the flash. It will be normally tied to '1'.

So, the way to resolve it is to set pfl_flash_access_granted to "1", isn't it?

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