Fake semiconductors detect, is this true?

Taking a hammer and chisel to a transistor to see if it is genuine is not a good test. The only way to look inside a package like that is to solder all the legs to a solid surface to keep them from moving then dissolve the plastic in an organic solvent. Doing it the way in the video is like taking a car from a scrap yard crusher to see what its top speed used to be.


I have not-bad luck with scrubbing the plastic face against
sandpaper until I see the first void appear; at this point the
remaining "top glop" can peel back with tweezers and expose
the cavity. I do sometimes ruin bond wires but the goal is to
get microprobe access, not whole-chip-at-pins.
--- Updated ---

Supposedly H2SO4 concentrated, can boil off plastic mold
compound. However while my F/A techs used to do this for
me, I have had no luck myself with battery acid from auto
parts store. May need some more concentration, heat, ???

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