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| Synopsys Unified Verilog-A (pVA v2.0) |
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| Machine Name: vlsicad2.ecs.umass.edu |
| Copyright (c) 2011 Synopsys Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
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libepva built by pvamgr synmake_pva_build on Sun May 22 07:53:10 PDT 2011
HSP_HOME: /usr/synopsys/hspice/hspice
HSP_ARCH: linux
HSP_GCC : /usr/synopsys/hspice/hspice/GNU/amd64/gcc-4.2.2-static/bin/gcc
Working-Dir: /home/somnathchakr/vlsix
Args: -p hsp -t spi -f Ictest5.pvadir/pvaHDL.lis -o Ictest5.pvadir
Begin of pVA compiling on Thu Mar 12 10:20:13 2015
Parsing './veriloga.va'
Parsing include file '/usr/synopsys/hspice/hspice/include/constants.vams'
Parsing include file '/usr/synopsys/hspice/hspice/include/disciplines.vams'
Parsing 'veriloga.va'
Parsing include file '/usr/synopsys/hspice/hspice/include/constants.vams'
Parsing include file '/usr/synopsys/hspice/hspice/include/disciplines.vams'
*pvaW* Ignored the duplicated module 'asl6' (veriloga.va:6)
End of pVA compiling on Thu Mar 12 10:20:13 2015
End of build pVA DB on Thu Mar 12 10:20:13 2015
*pvaI* Module (asl6): 4 unexpanded port, 0 init, 1 behav, 1 contrib, 12/0 expr(s)
*pvaI* 0 afCount, 0 fixDIS
*pvaI* Module (asl6): generated 0 flow node(s) during compilation.
End of pVA genC on Thu Mar 12 10:20:13 2015
*pvaI* #### Total 119 line-size(s), 12 expr(s), 1 contr(s), 0 init(s), 1 behav(s), 4 port(s)
Generating Ictest5.pvadir/pvaRTL_linux.so
End of submitting pVA Ictest5.pvadir/pvaRTL.mak on Thu Mar 12 10:20:13 2015
*pvaI* system & gcc return code is 512
**error** call to epvaHDLcgen failed.
**error** (Ictest5.sp:23) Definition of model/subckt "asl6" is not found for the element "xi0". Please specify a defined model/subckt name.
**warning** multiple output options specified, using post
***** job aborted