Extremly High Frequency Generator question.

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Newbie level 1
Jun 13, 2011
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Hello. I was wondering if there was a low cost method to generate up to around a 30GHz sine or square wave. It would be nice to have it set up where I can easily vary the frequency. So far, it seems like there is a slim to none chance that I'd be able to pull this off without spending thousands on a high frequency function generator. An idea I had was to use a lower frequency generator I have on hand(0.1Hz - 100kHz) and pass it through a series of frequency multipliers, but I havn't found a definitive schematic for one, most say that its got a low frequency range or don't give equations for the resistor and capacitor values involved. If anyone could give me some leads or some circuits, I would much appreciate it.

There are 11 - 12GHz synths available on ebay for ~ US$75

have a look through this guy's store.... art-in-part | eBay
he regularly has them.
I have bought a number of them off him in the past 12 months to double to 23GHz for a LO on a 24GHz transceiver.

You DONT even want to consider starting at such a low freq as you indicated. That would be a nightmare.

Starting at 11Ghz and x 3 would be much easier. Those synths with a good 10MHz rubidium standard or GPS ref are rock solid in stability. You could look at a way to modulate the synth, or you could as I have done just use the synth as a LO and mix it with another modulated ~100MHz VCO to produce your final freq, and it will, cuz of the VCO have some freq agility


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