[SOLVED] Extraction Tech File and LEF-Tech Map file for power grid libray

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Full Member level 3
Dec 10, 2014
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What are Extraction Tech File and LEF-Tech Map file used for generating power grid library? Can I generate these files manually? Can anybody please provide sample Extraction Tech File and LEF-Tech Map files?

Thanks in advance

In your virtuoso go to the FILE>Export> and ther you can see LEF option.SO by using this you can extract the LEF file of the layout done.The LEF file contains usually the layers and coordinates of the layout drawn.

Thanks for your effort Anand. But my question was not about generating LEF file. The Extraction Tech File and LEF-Tech Map File are required when you do a power analysis in Cadence EPS tool.
I got the answer from another forum.
The LEF file and LEF-Tech file are different. The extraction tech file is not generated manually and usually we get it from the foundry. It is called "qrcTechFile".
The lef-tech map file is used for mapping the LEF file with the qrcTechFile. It is easy to create manually. you need to refer to your lef and the .ict file (the human-readable version of the qrcTechFile, which will also come from the foundry).

it should look something like this: (only a few layers in this example)

#2nd column is ict name, 4th column is lef name

metal metal1 lefdef M1
metal metal2 lefdef M2
metal metal3 lefdef M3
via VIA1 lefdef V1
via VIA2 lefdef V2

The names between LEF/.ict may be different or the same, but you need this file either way.

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