[SOLVED] Extracting from GPS with 8051

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gps interface with 8051

You can make it much simpler than that. No need for any interrupts. Keep in mind that GPS sends the same data over and over again. And also note that GPRS module only replies when you send it a command. So you can simply switch the same serial port between GPS and GPRS, you should not have any problem.

protocol for extracting data from nmea sentences

send the data from GPS serially to Rxd pin of 8051.. use interrupts, then store the data temporarly in RAM using pointers...

then compare the characters G,P,G,L,L when all these characters are comming consequently.... then store the data in RAM again. make the looping..this string would b ur required string...

gps to microcontroller rx tx nmea

"I want to use mux and make 8051 service GSM at all time until get interrupt
from GPS (Is it true ? and please talk more about how to use mux in this project)
Connect with your GPS after 1 or 2 minutes for 4 secs and store it to your RAM.
Rest you should connect your serial receive pin to GSM transmit pin

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