Exporting waveform error

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Full Member level 2
Apr 4, 2012
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Hi !
I am trying to save some modelsim waveforms using export command. The problem is the .bmp file where the waveform are supposed to be exported is white.

How can i solve this?

@madalin1990: Are those images of waveforms you exported long time ago/just after exporting you are getting this ???/
Are you getting a waveform if you export it to a Postscript file using 'write wave' command

I'm not quite sure I have understand what you mean. I used file-> export -> image to export the waveforms. I waited a while to be sure the export was completed, but when i opened the .bmp file no waveforms were visible.

After you've done file-> export -> image,while waiting you are not selecting a new window in the GUI or moving on to other window are you ???
Because,if you move on to a window/change window while the export is taking place your image will contain information about the newly selected window.This is the only reason i can think as of now.

Until this problem is resolved,if you just want to see waveforms in images,why don't you snip them using Snipping Tool in Windows.
I will follow your advice but if that was the problem the picture should contain some kind of info. If this will not work I'll just use screenshots for the time being.

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