Explanation of reflection coefficents

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Junior Member level 2
Jan 11, 2005
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Reflection coefficent


I hav doubts in understanding the reflection coefficent part which is l/λ rite. I have read some txt tat requires the minimium reflection coefficentvalue for design. Could someone advise the purpose of this term in designing?

Thanks a lot

Re: Reflection coefficent

Reflection coefficients are only a function of the load impedance and the transmission line (or media) impedance. It is not a direct function of the frequency and the line length prior to the plane where the impedance changes.

Re: Reflection coefficent

I agree flatulent, but in some cases, namely reciprocal and low loss lines, what appear at frequencies that the line is N*λ/2 (N: integer >=1) ?
At that frequency the mismatch due to the line is cancelled, in other words at that frequencies only Generator and Load play a role in matching.

Note: λ mean wavelength considering all effects! Like εr and mode.

Re: Reflection coefficent

flatulent said:
Reflection coefficients are only a function of the load impedance and the transmission line (or media) impedance. It is not a direct function of the frequency and the line length prior to the plane where the impedance changes.

Hi flatulent,

If it is a function of the imped and transmission line, the equation should be ΓL= (ZL-Zo)/ (ZL-Zo) right? Then how do you arrived to this part l/λ? The reason why i'm curious bcos I have seen report that use the reflection coefficient to design for an eg the length of a waveguide..

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