The power gating is to save leakage power on part which could be switch off.
That's mean, you need to have some power switchs. For small node below 65nm, some std cell library provided the power switch required for that, or you need to develope your own power switch. This power switch will provided the power for the/some std cell rows.
You need to think about the power-on procedure, I means, you should need multiple power switch to be able to drive enough current, then do you power on all power switch at the same time, or one by one...?
Also this std cell library provide some flop with retention. That's mean this flop have two power supply, one to save the contain when the power switch cut the power, and the second power supply for the functional mode. Then, you need to define which module or flop need to save it contain during the power-off state, or to define a power procedure with reload state...
It is not very direct to add this feature, and that used some area, and after that, the software need to be aware, of stabillisation time when power switch is on...