Explain circuit usb to RS485 auto transmit


Member level 4
Apr 8, 2012
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Hi everyone ,
I have curcuit USB485 converter like this

When TXD level = 1 => DE/RE = 0 => Max485 is receiver
When TXD level = 0 => DE/RE = 1 => Max485 is transceiver
=> So Why can it transmit automatically

This circuit is working
Thanks !


=> So Why can it transmit automatically
because of this:
When TXD level = 1 => DE/RE = 0 => Max485 is receiver
When TXD level = 0 => DE/RE = 1 => Max485 is transceiver
These lines are the answer to your question. .. because it "automatically" controls DE.
(RE is not that important. Indeed I´d add a pullup resistor at the RE line. (even if there may be high ohmic one inside))

What else do you need to know?


The circuit can be used for short range RS-485 connections. disadvantage that it drives TX idle (mark) state only with the help of bias resistors. With given 4.7k resistors, the driven level is below specified MAX485 input threshold and thus doesn't guarantee reliable operation. The circuit works only by chance.
Many USB-to-serial bridges support RS-485 auto enable, e.g. FTDI, Prolific. They enable transmitter for full character frame including stop bit.

No I mean that :
When TXD level = 1 => DE/RE = 0 => Max485 is receiver . IT should be When TXD level = 1 => DE/RE = 1 ( because DE = 1 It is enable transmit )
When TXD level = 0 => DE/RE = 1 => Max485 is transceiver. When TXD level = 0 => DE/RE = 0 ( RE = 0 It is receiver mode )


TxD idle is HIGH. And when idle, the driver needs to be switched OFF.

So this (not the best solution as FvM explained) is
* only driver ACTIVE when transmitting a LOW
* for the rest of the time (sending_HIGH or receiving or idle) the driver is OFF and the external resistors pull (too weak) a HIGH level on the bus.

If I had to do the job:
* I´d use a different USB_to_UART bridge with RS485 capability
* AND I´d choose external resistor values for valid levels.


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