Everyday with Practical Electronics, April 1994

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everyday practical electronics, april 2002

Hi all,

Does anyone happens to have a copy of Everyday with Practical Electronics, April-1994? I'm in desperate need for some information on page 262-268.

What I´m need is a scan of the schematic and bill of material, for the project: "MOSFET variable bench power supply, Mark Stuart".

I started to build one of those things, based on a description found elsewhere on this site, but the partlist was all screwed up, so I need this information from the original design badly!!!


practical everyday electronics 1994

you can send £10 to the company
for a copy of the mag

i have about 600 or so of these
but not that one {and a few others from the same year}

it was a popular project

ill look in the local library {referance} and photocopy and scan the relevent pages

something to do at lunch time tomorrow
everyday practical electronics 1994

Doesn´t anyone at all have this old magazine?, the only thing that is needed to complete the project: **broken link removed** is a partlist and schematic from the magazine mentioned above...


everyday practical electronics

Have you tried the library?

everyday practical electronics 1994 projects

Yes , with no luck, my local library isn't that big (I live in a small town). I can of couse order a copy from EPE as suggested, but that seams to be a overkill just to get the partlist (prob. 20-30$ before I get it), not to mention the time before I get it. I even tried to email Elektor to see if they have any correction, but no answer sofar.

btw, it's realy strange that you can submit projects to a competition that isn't possible to build, and WIN A PRIZE???. That tells you something about Elektor magazine doesn't it? So if I submitted a design of a Perpetuum Mobile (that can of couse not be built), then I win first prize?


everyday practical electronics 1994 copies

In my country, when you ask for something they haven't got in a small library they just order it from another library and you can collect it at your local library when they recieve it. All free of charge.

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