1) Can two events be generated simultaneously?
Usual answer: yes
A physicians answer: no.
What the definition of simultaneously? Within a millisecond, a microsecond, a nonsecond, a picosecond..
A mechanical event like pressing a keyboard button and a mouse button at the same time?
An electrical event like two electrical signals arrive at the processor at the same time?
Or software events, like the OS tells the applicaton that the user connected a USB stick?
Two independent events? like a key press and an ethernet packet arrived?
Two signals that depend on each other like hearing the same voice with two ears (microphones)?
2) If multiple events occur at the same time, how does the system handle them?
A processor is a clocked system, thus it has a dedicated stepsize for time (measurement).
Now if one event after the other arrived, then usually the first one is processed first.
If two events arrive in the same "clock period", then usually there is a prority system. Either hardware or software.
Hardware: like interrupt proirity, or software, like a switch_case instruction: the uper is processed first.
(indeed there is a chance that one higher priority event stops the processing of a lower priority event, processes the higher priority event, and after that resumes to process the lower priority event.)
Hardware can process events in parallel. Software will process one after the other.
But: in most cases it does not matter whether the one event is processed a microsecond ofter the other.
And in case it really matters then there should be a datasheet or description that tells you how to treat things.
In the keyboard it surely matters whether an "A" is processed before an "B". But it should be common sense that you should not press both buttons at exactly the same time.
You see it depends on a lot of things.
I recommend you to be more specific.