Hello All
I have implemented some image processing algorithms in matlab.Which generates images after the process is completed.I want to transfer this images on Ethernet.
How can i do that?
And my receiver does have only SDRAM and Ethernet interface implemented with the help of FPGA and MAC IC
Is there any particular function in matlab for this?
can anyone help me?
Thank you very much
From octave you could use netcat to pipe the image data through. Oh wait, matlab. And probably on windows right? On windows I would have the image saved to file and then call a batch file to call cygwin to call netcat to pipe it to the device on the other end...
I would not worry about the matlab side so much as about the fpga side... Have you succeeded in sending any data from the PC to the fpga yet? What kind of transfers does your FPGA support? UDP? Raw ethernet frames? SCP?