Hi Barry,
The board is already in an aluminum chassis, (slightly bigger than a VHS tape) with metal on all sides. The ESD is injected on the frame ground pin of the power terminal block on the rear panel. There are some openings on the front and rear panels for dip switches and connectors, which could in theory allow EMI to enter the board, but when when generating ESD nearby (not but connecting to) the product everything works ok, even without cover on. With the little knowledge I have about this that seems to indicate that its no a RF problem, but I'm certainly not sure. I can try covering up the holes with metal.
Other theory I have is that the ESD pulse comes in and causes problems through ground-bounce. I'm guessing that even though we have pretty good ground that 8KV 1ns pulse will generate some potential increase going into the unit. Not sure how to protect against that, other that somehow improving the grounding.