Error when doing transient analysis in dolphin smash simulator

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Full Member level 5
Jan 5, 2006
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Bangalore, India
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I am trying to do a transient analysis in dolphin smash simulator.
The spice code works in hspice but when i run it in dolphin,
it gives the error message as follows

ERROR: maximum number of consecutive skipped timepoints reached (aborting simulation)----------------------------------------------------------------------

If someone knows how to fix it please help.

Dolphin smash help!!

as I remember , dolphin smash simulation stimulate script is some different with hspice , but very close
and maybe you need use smash stimulate

hspice time_step 10ns
.tran 10n 1u

but maybe smash simulation time_step is not 10n.
Dolphin smash help!!

Hi andy200a ,
Thanks for the reply. I finally find that the problem is with model support.Smash says it supports BSIM4 but it doesnot support it in transient.I tried all possible rise times fall times and time steps.Even the slowest simulations won't run.
But with BSIM3 model any simulation runs fine.


Dolphin smash help!!

Hi neils_arm_strong

I ever use smash (2003?) simulation the same circuit with hspice

smash Vs hspice , both use Level49 model
and smash can simulation . Like amplifier AC simulation gain is "close"

Have anyone can compare smash Vs hspice accuracy ??

Dolphin smash help!!

I have found boh are giving different results.
I tried simulating an adiabatic inverter.with 0 to 2v inputs the output on hspice is 0.4 to 1.4 and on smash it goes to 0.5 to 1. or 1.9V.
I think Hspice is more accurate here.

Even LTspice gives similar result like hspice.So smash may be having some defect.

Re: Dolphin smash help!!

do u know how i can vary two voltages simultaneosly............
example- like in mosfet I-V characteristics i want to vary Vgs and Vds simultaneouly

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