Quartus has memory requirements depending on the FPGA type. Did you check it?
What chip are you compiling for, and what are you system specs?
Basically, from the larger from Cyclone4 or arria 2 you need minimum 3 GB of ram. For stratix 4 + you need min 8 or 16 GB I think/
Problem solved. I reduced the memory of my VHDL arrays and it is working.
signal FPGA_MODEs : std_logic_vector(FPGA_MODE'range);
signal FPGA_MODE_l : std_logic_vector(FPGA_MODE'range);
signal RAW_DATAs : std_logic;
signal RAW_DATAss : std_logic;
signal VID_I_DAVr : std_logic;
signal BIN_SEL : unsigned(2 downto 0);
signal BIN_ADD1 : unsigned(15 downto 0);
signal BIN_ADD2 : unsigned(15 downto 0);
signal X_CNT_H : integer RANGE 0 to 5000;
signal Y_CNT_H : integer RANGE -1 to 5000;
signal X_CNT_V : integer RANGE 0 to 5000;
type ARRAY_2D is array (0 to 5,0 to 710) of unsigned (15 downto 0);
signal ARRAY_2Ds : ARRAY_2D := ((others=> (others=>x"0000"))); -- intialize to 0
signal BIN_SELr : unsigned(2 downto 0);
signal BIN_ADD3 : unsigned(18 downto 0);
signal BIN_ADD4 : unsigned(18 downto 0);
signal BIN_ADD5 : unsigned(18 downto 0);
signal BIN_SAVE1 : unsigned(18 downto 0);
signal BIN_SAVE2 : unsigned(18 downto 0);
signal BIN_DAV : std_logic;
BINNING_H_proc : process(VID_I_CLK, VID_I_RST)
if VID_I_RST = '1' then
FPGA_MODE_l <= (others => '0');
VID_I_DAVr <= '0';
BIN_DAV <= '0';
BIN_ADD1 <= (others => '0');
BIN_ADD2 <= (others => '0');
BIN_ADD3 <= (others => '0');
BIN_ADD4 <= (others => '0');
BIN_ADD5 <= (others => '0');
BIN_SAVE1 <= (others => '0');
BIN_SAVE2 <= (others => '0');
BIN_DATA <= (others => '0');
X_CNT_H <= 0;
Y_CNT_H <= -1;
X_CNT_V <= 0;
ARRAY_2Ds <= ((others=> (others=>x"0000")));
VID_F_SOI <= '0';
VID_F_SOL <= '0';
BIN_SEL <= (others => '0');
BIN_SELr <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge(VID_I_CLK) then
-- Latch Dropping Factors + Reset Counters
VID_F_SOI <= '0';
if VID_I_SOI = '1' then
FPGA_MODE_l <= FPGA_MODEs; -- Latching Binning Mode
VID_F_DARK <= VID_I_DARK; -- Latch Dark Info
if RAW_DATAss = '1' then
VID_F_SOI <= '1';
BIN_SEL <= (others => '0');
ARRAY_2Ds <= ((others=> (others=>x"0000")));
BIN_ADD1 <= (others => '0');
BIN_ADD2 <= (others => '0');
X_CNT_H <= 0;
Y_CNT_H <= -1;
VID_I_DAVr <= '0';
end if;
end if;
-- Valid Lines Management
VID_F_SOL <= '0';
if VID_I_SOL = '1' then -- New line
if RAW_DATAss = '1' then
VID_F_SOL <= '1'; -- Output every line
-- Increment ARRAY_2Ds_Y
Y_CNT_H <= Y_CNT_H + 1;
-- Reset ARRAY_2Ds_X
X_CNT_H <= 0;
end if;
end if;
-- Valid Pixels Management :
-- Receiving 4 pixels on every clock cycle
if VID_I_DAV = '1' then -- New "4pixels"
-- Binning 6x6
if FPGA_MODE_l = "100" then
if BIN_SEL = 2 then
BIN_SEL <= "000";
end if;
if BIN_SEL = 0 then
BIN_ADD1 <= resize(unsigned(VID_I_DATA(11 downto 00)), BIN_ADD1'length) + unsigned(VID_I_DATA(35 downto 24));
BIN_ADD2 <= resize(unsigned(VID_I_DATA(23 downto 12)), BIN_ADD2'length) + unsigned(VID_I_DATA(47 downto 36));
X_CNT_H <= X_CNT_H + 1;
elsif BIN_SEL = 1 then
BIN_ADD1 <= resize(unsigned(VID_I_DATA(35 downto 24)), BIN_ADD1'length);
BIN_ADD2 <= resize(unsigned(VID_I_DATA(47 downto 36)), BIN_ADD2'length);
ARRAY_2Ds(Y_CNT_H, X_CNT_H-1) <= BIN_ADD1 + resize(unsigned(VID_I_DATA(11 downto 00)), BIN_ADD1'length);
ARRAY_2Ds(Y_CNT_H, X_CNT_H) <= BIN_ADD2 + resize(unsigned(VID_I_DATA(23 downto 12)), BIN_ADD2'length);
X_CNT_H <= X_CNT_H + 1;
elsif BIN_SEL = 2 then
ARRAY_2Ds(Y_CNT_H, X_CNT_H) <= BIN_ADD1 + resize(unsigned(VID_I_DATA(11 downto 00)), BIN_ADD1'length)
+ resize(unsigned(VID_I_DATA(35 downto 24)), BIN_ADD1'length);
ARRAY_2Ds(Y_CNT_H, X_CNT_H+1) <= BIN_ADD2 + resize(unsigned(VID_I_DATA(23 downto 12)), BIN_ADD2'length)
+ resize(unsigned(VID_I_DATA(47 downto 36)), BIN_ADD2'length);
X_CNT_H <= X_CNT_H + 2;
end if;
if Y_CNT_H = 5 and X_CNT_H = 2 then -- Ready to provide RGB psixels!
VID_I_DAVr <= '1';
VID_F_SOI <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- Adding pixels using pipeline techniques
BIN_DAV <= '0';
if VID_I_DAVr = '1' then
BIN_SELr <= BIN_SELr + 1;
-- Binning 6x6
if FPGA_MODE_l = "100" then
if BIN_SELr = 4 then
BIN_SELr <= "001";
end if;
if BIN_SELr = 0 then
VID_F_SOL <= '1';
elsif BIN_SELr = 1 then
BIN_DAV <= '1';
BIN_DATA <= std_logic_vector(resize(ARRAY_2Ds(1,X_CNT_V), BIN_DATA'length) +
ARRAY_2Ds(3,X_CNT_V)+ ARRAY_2Ds(5,X_CNT_V));
elsif BIN_SELr = 2 then
BIN_DAV <= '1';
BIN_DATA <= std_logic_vector(resize(ARRAY_2Ds(0,X_CNT_V+1), BIN_DATA'length) +
ARRAY_2Ds(2,X_CNT_V+1) + ARRAY_2Ds(4,X_CNT_V+1));
elsif BIN_SELr = 3 then
BIN_DATA <= std_logic_vector(resize(ARRAY_2Ds(0,X_CNT_V), BIN_DATA'length) +
ARRAY_2Ds(2,X_CNT_V) + ARRAY_2Ds(4,X_CNT_V) +
ARRAY_2Ds(1,X_CNT_V+1) + ARRAY_2Ds(3,X_CNT_V+1) +
elsif BIN_SELr = 4 then
BIN_DAV <= '1';
BIN_DATA <= '0' & BIN_DATA(BIN_DATA'length-1 downto 1);
X_CNT_V <= X_CNT_V + 2;
end if;
if X_CNT_V >= LIMIT_X_CNT_6R then
VID_I_DAVr <= '0';
BIN_SELr <= (others => '0');
BIN_ADD3 <= (others => '0');
BIN_ADD4 <= (others => '0');
BIN_ADD5 <= (others => '0');
BIN_SAVE1 <= (others => '0');
BIN_SAVE2 <= (others => '0');
BIN_DATA <= (others => '0');
X_CNT_V <= 0;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process BINNING_H_proc;
If you modifed the VHDL to get this to work - it makes me think you've written some poor quality VHDL. Any chance you could post it, and we can assess?
type ARRAY_2D is array (0 to 5,0 to 710) of unsigned (15 downto 0);
Heres the problem. And the way you access it will mean it will never infer memories:
1. Memory cannot be reset
2. I dont think you can infer ram from a 2d array.
I suggest you read the Altera Coding Guidelines:
It takes a while to build those 68,256 bits in your array. If you have a 2D array that is say bigger than 1Kb (8x8x16-bit, sort of an arbitrary limit ;-)) then you're likely coding something that should be using a RAM block.So then this stuff expains why it delays around 1 hour to synthesis the code and when I try to make the fitter it does not work and Quartus II gives me an Error. What can I do to have the same working like an ARRAY_2D? Maybe a RAM?
It takes a while to build those 68,256 bits in your array. If you have a 2D array that is say bigger than 1Kb (8x8x16-bit, sort of an arbitrary limit ;-)) then you're likely coding something that should be using a RAM block.
Have you looked at the synthesis report. That will show you what resources will likely be required. I suspect you are running out of LEs due to the 68Kb of 'RAM' i.e. flip-flops getting implemented by that 2D array.
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