Newbie level 2
error -- incorrect number of interface nodes for
dear all,i`m having problem with my PSPICE program.its state ERROR -- Incorrect number of interface nodes for XIS...here is my program
* ingold=0 post probe
*+ absmos=1e-15 dcstep=1000 nopiv
*+ absv=1e-15 relv=1e-12 absi=1e-15
*+ gmindc=1e-24 itl1=1000 converge accurate
*+ method=gear lvltim=2 itl5=10000 delmax=1e-15
*+ dv=0.2
+ k=1.38e-23 T=300 eps0=8.85e-12
+ Ka=15.8 Kb=63.1e-9 Kn=1e-10
+ Nsil=3.0e18 Nnit=2.0e18
+ Cbulk=0.1
* Beginning of the sub-circuit definition
.SUBCKT ISFET 6 1 3 4 101
*[drain] [ref.el] [source] [bulk] [pH input]
+ q=1.6e-19 NAv='6.023e23*1e3'
+ epsw=78.5 epsihp=32 epsohp=32
+ dihp=0.1n dohp=0.3n Cbulk=0.1
+ Eabs=4.7 Phim=4.7 Erel=0.200 Chieo=3e-3 Philj=1e-3
+ ET='q/(k*T)'
+ sq='sqrt(8*eps0*epsw*k*T)'
+ Cb='NAv*Cbulk'
+ KK='Ka*Kb'
+ Ch='((eps0*epsihp*epsohp)/(epsohp*dihp+epsihp*dohp))'
+ Cd='(sq*ET*0.5)*sqrt(Cb)'
+ Ceq='1/(1/Cd+1/Ch)'
Eref 1 10 VOL='Eabs-Phim-Erel+Chieo+Philj'
Ceq 10 2 C='1/(1/Cd+1/Ch)'
EP1 46 0 VOL='log(KK)+4.6*V(101)'
RP1 46 0 1G
EP2 23 0 VOL='log(Ka)+2.3*V(101)'
RP2 23 0 1G
EPH 2 10 VOL='(q/Ceq)*(Nsil*((exp(-2*V(2,10)*ET)-exp(V(46)))/(exp(-2*V(2,10)*ET)
+exp(V(23))*exp(-1*V(2,10)*ET)+exp(V(46))))+ Nnit*((exp(-1*V(2,10)*ET))/(exp(-1*V(2,10)*ET)+(Kn/Ka)*exp(V(23)))))'
RpH 101 0 1K
MIS 6 2 3 4 MISFET L=18u W=804u NRS=5 NRD=5
+ VTO=7.99E-01 LAMBDA=7.59E-03 RSH=3.5E+01 TOX=86E-9
+ UO=6.53E+02 TPG=0
+ UEXP=7.64E-02 NSUB=3.27E+15 NFS=1.21E+11
+ NEFF=3.88 VMAX=5.35E+04 DELTA=1.47 LD=2.91E-06
+ UCRIT=7.97E+04 XJ=6.01E-09 CJ=4.44E-4 IS=1E-11
+ CJSW=5.15E-10 PHI=5.55E-01 GAMMA=9.95E-01
+ MJ=0.395 MJSW=0.242 PB=0.585
* sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
* Beginning of the example circuit
XIS 100 1 3 3 200 ISFET
Vbias 1 0 DC 1.5
VpH 200 0 DC 10
Vd 101 0 DC 1.5
Vid 101 100 DC 0
.DC Vbias 0.0 4.0 0.1
.PRINT DC V(1,XIS.2) V(XIS.2,0) V(XIS.23) V(XIS.46) V(1) I(Vid)
ERROR -- Incorrect number of interface nodes for XIS
can somebody please help me to solve this problem
dear all,i`m having problem with my PSPICE program.its state ERROR -- Incorrect number of interface nodes for XIS...here is my program
* ingold=0 post probe
*+ absmos=1e-15 dcstep=1000 nopiv
*+ absv=1e-15 relv=1e-12 absi=1e-15
*+ gmindc=1e-24 itl1=1000 converge accurate
*+ method=gear lvltim=2 itl5=10000 delmax=1e-15
*+ dv=0.2
+ k=1.38e-23 T=300 eps0=8.85e-12
+ Ka=15.8 Kb=63.1e-9 Kn=1e-10
+ Nsil=3.0e18 Nnit=2.0e18
+ Cbulk=0.1
* Beginning of the sub-circuit definition
.SUBCKT ISFET 6 1 3 4 101
*[drain] [ref.el] [source] [bulk] [pH input]
+ q=1.6e-19 NAv='6.023e23*1e3'
+ epsw=78.5 epsihp=32 epsohp=32
+ dihp=0.1n dohp=0.3n Cbulk=0.1
+ Eabs=4.7 Phim=4.7 Erel=0.200 Chieo=3e-3 Philj=1e-3
+ ET='q/(k*T)'
+ sq='sqrt(8*eps0*epsw*k*T)'
+ Cb='NAv*Cbulk'
+ KK='Ka*Kb'
+ Ch='((eps0*epsihp*epsohp)/(epsohp*dihp+epsihp*dohp))'
+ Cd='(sq*ET*0.5)*sqrt(Cb)'
+ Ceq='1/(1/Cd+1/Ch)'
Eref 1 10 VOL='Eabs-Phim-Erel+Chieo+Philj'
Ceq 10 2 C='1/(1/Cd+1/Ch)'
EP1 46 0 VOL='log(KK)+4.6*V(101)'
RP1 46 0 1G
EP2 23 0 VOL='log(Ka)+2.3*V(101)'
RP2 23 0 1G
EPH 2 10 VOL='(q/Ceq)*(Nsil*((exp(-2*V(2,10)*ET)-exp(V(46)))/(exp(-2*V(2,10)*ET)
+exp(V(23))*exp(-1*V(2,10)*ET)+exp(V(46))))+ Nnit*((exp(-1*V(2,10)*ET))/(exp(-1*V(2,10)*ET)+(Kn/Ka)*exp(V(23)))))'
RpH 101 0 1K
MIS 6 2 3 4 MISFET L=18u W=804u NRS=5 NRD=5
+ VTO=7.99E-01 LAMBDA=7.59E-03 RSH=3.5E+01 TOX=86E-9
+ UO=6.53E+02 TPG=0
+ UEXP=7.64E-02 NSUB=3.27E+15 NFS=1.21E+11
+ NEFF=3.88 VMAX=5.35E+04 DELTA=1.47 LD=2.91E-06
+ UCRIT=7.97E+04 XJ=6.01E-09 CJ=4.44E-4 IS=1E-11
+ CJSW=5.15E-10 PHI=5.55E-01 GAMMA=9.95E-01
+ MJ=0.395 MJSW=0.242 PB=0.585
* sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
* Beginning of the example circuit
XIS 100 1 3 3 200 ISFET
Vbias 1 0 DC 1.5
VpH 200 0 DC 10
Vd 101 0 DC 1.5
Vid 101 100 DC 0
.DC Vbias 0.0 4.0 0.1
.PRINT DC V(1,XIS.2) V(XIS.2,0) V(XIS.23) V(XIS.46) V(1) I(Vid)
ERROR -- Incorrect number of interface nodes for XIS
can somebody please help me to solve this problem