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error in example 2.1 of chassaing's book?

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Feb 3, 2006
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hi,everyone.I am using tms320c6713 DSK.i tried to run exaple 2.1 "Loop_intr.c".of chassaing's book "Digital Signal Processing and Applications with the
C6713 and C6416 DSK".

Following error occured

""c:/ti/c6000/bios/include/csl_chiphal.h", line 206: fatal error: #error NO CHIP DEFINED (use -dCHIP_XXXX where XXXX is chip number, i.e. 6201)
1 fatal error detected in the compilation of "Loop_intr.c".
Compilation terminated."

When i changed the file "C6713dskinit.c" to "C6xdskinit.c" the code was running properly with no errors ,but i was hearing the sine wave even after i stopped the dsp board.
What is the problem.Can anybody provide me with a simple code performing input and output of sine wave along with support files so that i can test my board.I'll be gateful to any response.

You must be getting a warning too after the compilation. I have the same problem, if someone can suggest a solution.

hi All,
Please provide me the CD-ROM of the book
DSP & Applications with the C6713 and C6416 DSK by Rulph Chassaing
Thanks! I can not find mine..............


hi all i m also using the same book and entagled with same example since last two days.My problem is regarding the second part of the example in with input is taken from mic.The problem is that i have made changes to appropriate files as author mention in the book and while building it does not produce any errors that means i have done the prescribed steps correctly but when i speak into mic i dont get any response from speakers.where does the problem lies ?
waiting for your reply.

Hi, From Peru, Im Carlos Alva
A Electronic engenniering student so i like to my thesis based on TMS320c6713 so PLEASE I NEED THE DR.Rulph Chassaing's CD Book. Send me to my email too. Its larguix(arroba)

I will be thankful to you.

greatings from latinamerica
wajahat said:
hi,everyone.I am using tms320c6713 DSK.i tried to run exaple 2.1 "Loop_intr.c".of chassaing's book "Digital Signal Processing and Applications with the
C6713 and C6416 DSK".

Following error occured

""c:/ti/c6000/bios/include/csl_chiphal.h", line 206: fatal error: #error NO CHIP DEFINED (use -dCHIP_XXXX where XXXX is chip number, i.e. 6201)
1 fatal error detected in the compilation of "Loop_intr.c".
Compilation terminated."

When i changed the file "C6713dskinit.c" to "C6xdskinit.c" the code was running properly with no errors ,but i was hearing the sine wave even after i stopped the dsp board.
What is the problem.Can anybody provide me with a simple code performing input and output of sine wave along with support files so that i can test my board.I'll be gateful to any response.

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