I eventually managed to find a viewer I had installed that still worked.
Your top silk layer needs tidying up all over - its a mess. :roll:
An example of this.
Tidy up the entire layer, remove text from over pads etc.
The bottom elec appears to have the bottom silkscreen turned on at the same time so is shorting nets together.
I do not do Eagle but it looks like you Gerberd 2 layers together at the same time.
Install GC-Prevue (its free),
check your Gerbers BEFORE you send them to a board manufacturer.
Never ever, ever, ever send Gerbers out that you have not checked.
Had you done so then you would not be asking this question, wasted your time or the manufacturers time. (your lucky they told you.)
Do this again and I'll send the cat AND the dog round to argue together in your house - I'm sick of them doing it in mine :lol: :lol:
Got to go - the dogs trying to get past my wall of protection and Gandalf the Grey, protector of the wall & my elbows (from the dog).
- - - Updated - - -
OMG this gets worse as I look further whilst waiting for my supper.
The distance from the IC to this crystal (q3)is way too long, put it directly next to the pins.
Is it a 32 khz? ISTR they would have caps on them too?
Your ground path to\from the battery goes through this little Yellow bit only, make this path a lot thicker and join at the red bit.
Follow your GND and move tracks to allow you to flood your copper pour a lot better, so that bits join up and increase the continuity of the pour rather than have lots of breaks in it.
What the heck is this arrangement? Whatever it is turn it around 180.
You have a shorted track here.
Are you missing a copper layer in the Gerbers? level.GTL\Top tracking? It looks like it.
Fawaz, take it back into Eagle and look over every CM of it, tidy it up a lot more, move components so that they are close to their respective other components. The current path should flow through each component and return through a good ground connection back to the source.
You'd be better posting your circuit & PCB files before Gerbering them (I have also found Eagle installed lol).