I am doing the ISE Implement process for the 1st time and am stuck in the Translate step.
The input is an edf file generated by Synplify flow and using the ucf file, I am trying to do an implementation.
In the top level there is clock PLL Xilinx Coregen module instiantiated.
clk_wiz_v3_6 clk_wiz_v3_6_inst
(// Clock in ports
.CLK_IN1 (USB_IFCLK_pin),// IN 48 Mhz
// Clock out ports
.CLK_OUT1 (usb_clk), // OUT 48 MHz clock
.CLK_OUT2 (clk), // OUT 24 MHz clock
.CLK_OUT3 (clk_180), // OUT 24 MHz clock, 180 deg
// Status and control signals
.RESET (sys_rst), // IN
.LOCKED (locked)); // OUT
Now there is a constraint in the ucf file,
NET clk_wiz_v3_6_inst/usb_clk PERIOD = 20833 ps;
For the above ucf file entry, ISE Translate process is reporting the following error:
ERROR:ConstraintSystem:59 - Constraint <NET clk_wiz_v3_6_inst/usb_clk
PERIOD = 20833 ps;> [te0630_top.ucf(80)]: NET "clk_wiz_v3_6_inst/usb_clk" not
found. Please verify that:
1. The specified design element actually exists in the original design.
2. The specified object is spelled correctly in the constraint source file.
I don't understand the above error because clk_wiz_v3_6_inst is being instiantiated in my top-module and I have triple checked for spelling mistakes.
Any suggestions why this is happening?