Error detected by hpeesofsim during ADS2002 simulation.


Full Member level 2
Aug 15, 2014
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I am using ADS2022 for RF Circuit Design. I am getting the following error during nominal optimization. It is showing expected an integer for parameter "Ns". Where is "Ns" in my schematic/ optimization.

I have attached the relevant screen shots for the same. Can you somebody tell me how to correct this error.


  • Error_File.txt
    2.2 KB · Views: 80
  • Error_File.jpg
    236.3 KB · Views: 117
  • Matching_Ckt_Schmeatic.jpg
    261.1 KB · Views: 130
  • Optimixation_Variable.jpg
    152.8 KB · Views: 103

Check the number of turns parameter. This must be an integer.

And of course, you should not make everything optimizable. To control inductance value, you can tweak one dimension (overall length or overall width) of the coil, or for larger changes you can tweak the number of turns in steps of 1 turn (integer).

Also note that the geometry must be "possible" to draw, if you optimize all parameters independently you will run into combinations that are not physically possible (impossible to draw) . In my Inductor Toolkit for ADS, there is a pre-calculation of inductance based on equations like this:
and then one single parameter (coil diameter) is tweaked to reach the target inductance, with all other parameters constant.

My advice is: use your brain and the calculator linked above to pre-calculate meaningful parameters (dimensions), and then optimize one parameter in ADS to reach the target.
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