I just passed my LVS with no errors. However, I'm having 2 warnings/error in ERC stated as follows:
1. PW_NOT_GROUND{@pwell not connect to LVS_ERC_GROUND_NAME NOT NET (pwellg interact AA) LVS_ERC_GROUND_NAME}
2. NW_NOT_POWER{@nwell not connect to LVS_ERC_POWER_NAME NOT NET (nwell interact AA) not interact ((_rnwaa or rnwsti) or binw) LVS_ERC_POWER_NAME}
I suspect that I used the wrong syntax for naming the power nets, so I've tried net names with exclamation mark "V15!" & "G15!" and it does not work. I've also included my power net names in the LVS option of calibre LVS, it does not work.
The circuit I'm verifying made of all standard cell digital circuits with the power and ground to bulk connections already attached. Even the guard wrings are nwell and bulk connected. By the way, I'm using Cadence ic614vt for the Dongbu 0.11um process.
Hopefully this can be ignored. Any help or comment is much appreciated. Thank you.