I apologize for unclear notation in my previous question; '*' in my question meant a convolution operator.
Basically, my original question was ...
In your previous equations, the laplace transform of the following equation (a) has been taken, and it results in equation (b).
> a(1) x(t) + a(2) x(t)^2 = x(t) * h(t) ----- (a)
> a(1) X(s) + a(2) X(s) = X(s) H(s) -----(b)
The laplace transform of "a(2) x(t)^2" in equation (a) is "a(2) X(s)" in equation (b)?
From the laplace transform theory, L{f1(t) X f2(t)} = F1(S) * F2(S), where L{} represents the laplace operator, X indicates time-domain multiplication, and * means a convolution operator.
So I though the laplace transform of "a(2) x(t)^2" in equation (a) needs to be "a(2) [X(s) * X(s)]" in equation (b), instead of being "a(2) X(s)". Am I wrong?