The 2716 is a very old device!
You need to think in terms of how to connect to the EPROM, it has 8 data lines and 10 address lines so you need 18 connections plus CE and OE making 20 digital connections in total. You also need VPP which will come from a 25V regulated voltage source and another signal to turn it on and off. First question: do you have enough pins available on the 8051 do do all that?
As to the timings, these are all simple delays, you set the data and address pins to the state you want the drive the other lines high and low with appropriate delays between transitions.
My approach would be to utilize the fact that addresses are sequential so if you make your 8051 produce a reset and clock signal to an external 10-bit binary counter you can connect the couter outputs to the EPROM address lines and set the address you want by resetting the count then clocking it to get the address you need. For example, to set EPROM address 123 you reset the address counter (so you know it's starting from zero) and clock it 123 times. This method also makes it easy to do the blank check because all you do is drive OE and CE low, reset the counter and read the data pins. Then clock the counter 2048 times, reading the data pins after each clock pulse and confirming it is FFH.
To program it, follow the sequence you described but first set the address in the counter. Remember that each time you clock the counter you move to the next EPROM address so you don't have to reset it and count again for each new address.