Energy Saving/ Power facor Correction

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Jun 20, 2007
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Has anybody experienced with Energy Saving Devices/ Power FActor Correctors how are their results?
Does it reduce really reduce utility bill if ,yes, then approximately how much???

there is a lot of advertisement about electricity saving box to improve power facor and reduce utility bills, i want to kow about this any body having experinece with such device, please guide me about its perforance.

are there any Other techniques to improve power factor????



They do not save power and in some circumstances they will increase your meter reading.

I'm afraid it's advertising hype, it works on the principle that most of the public can be conned into believing you can get something for nothing. All they consist of is a capacitor across the AC which may in some circumstances make some meters read lower than they should. It's a trick of the reading, it actually increases the real amount of energy you use, albeit by a small amount. If you want to cheat the electricity company you might see some reduction in bills but if you want to use less energy forget them.


It is depend upon the load you are using and value for your money.
Say if you are running a load of 10kW with .8 power factor for 4 hours then you are paying the charge for 10kW*4/.8 = 50 Units
If any equipment can increase your power factor to .9 then you will pay for 45 Units Only. So if equipment cost is compatible with the money you are saving then it is better to have PF improvement equipment. For my economic calculation if an instrument of $100 can save me around $2 a month; I would prefer to buy it.

Re: energy meter reading??? VAs or Watts

thanks, betwixt and umesh. I have checked that device with volt meter and clamp eters.
I have taken readings before and after connecting the dvice. It reduces 30% current flowing through it but does not effect voltage. So is it improving power factor?? I feel that our meters are counting VAs not watts??? Any one other has expereince in pakistan.??


You are quite correct. 30% reduction in current means power factor is getting improved. Energy meter generally record Watts not VAs. If your load is idealy inductive load then there will not differrence in reading, but due to this 30% increase in current folowing inside your load effective Watts used will increase due to increased power loss in resistive part of load.

thanks umesh

my current is decreasing not increasing, then wattage should decrease as well.

and vice versa.

please read my previous message.


then you are paying the charge for 10kW*4/.8 = 50 Units
Simply incorrect. As a private customer, you pay for real energy consumption not for apparent.

As clarified later on, the only advantage with power factor correction for a private consumer, who pays for real energy consumption,
is a (rather small) reduction in cable losses. It may be even dwarted by additional losses of the PFC circuit.

An industrial consumer may be charged for "reactive" energy consumption, depending on the contract conditions. Then he's
much more motivated to utilize PFC.

As another point, PFC usage (e.g. for switched mode power supplies) is required by a number of newer regulations. But they have
to be kept by the manufacturer rather than the consumer.

Yeah! I am agree with your views. It was incorrect sentence. You will realy pay for only the wattz you used and it can be a bit more due to additional losses due to increased current. I have heard in some countries that they will penalize the customer we is using more reactive power.


It simply chops the sine wave and cuts the 0-30 volt by making off the current. The analog measuring instrument will measure false reading ashuming sine wave current and taking RMS. But this distorted waveform can generate harmonics and reduce the lifes of the electrical equipments specoally core. So, I recomend not to use it. This simply use loophole in metering principle.

Surely your Electricity bill will reduce.

Please check the waveform in Osciloscope.


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