Try to rather look to the nature. The Sun radiates most of energy in the IR spectrum, some in the visible and much less in radio or microwave spectrum.
To convert the nominal 1 kW per one square meter, the best way is to use a blackened absorber to generate heat or hot water. The efficiency of this water heating is ~80 %.
People love complex solutions, so they invented expensive semiconductors, make solar panels and achieve 10% efficiency.
Other people spend money to transmit radio and TV signals and other people try to steal some of that energy and "harvest" it. The efficiency of such process is below 0.1% but people love to spend money to get the "free" energy. At "any cost" they catch so much energy to chArge a capacitor over one hour, to get a LED to blink over a tenth of a second.
Good luck, spend all the money for this nonsense!