Energy and Power signals

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Jul 17, 2004
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enery signals

X = u - u(n-10)
is it an energy and/or power signal ?

enery signal

If you find the energy of the signal, ie int(x^2) for all t, you will find that it's finite. It is an energy signal. If you find the power of the signal, it's zero. It's not a power signal.


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calculation of signal energy book

the mod of the above function is 1 and one can only integrate it from 0-10(rest is zero), so it will give u a finite answer,
in case for power , answer is zero
but a signal is only a power signal if its value
is greater than zero and finite, so its not a power signal, its an energy signal

Thanks for that.
So, in short, is that any signal with a given domain, such as 0<n<100 or 0<n<1000, then it is an energy signal ?

Is that once signal to be considered as energy signal, then it is also a power signal ?

energy of a signal can be zero , 0<=energy<infinty
but power can not be zero, 0<power<infinity

i know that a signal can neither be power nor energy signal
but "an enerrgy signal is also a power signal", i dont think so

An energy signal can never be a power signal. Energy signals have finite energy, which would lead to zero power.
A power signal can never be an energy signal. Power signals have finite power, which would lead to infinite energy.
There are signals that are neither signal nor power signals.

One more question,
Given X = 5^n cos , with 0<n<100.
Is that an energy and/or power signal ?

I did not really do the actual integration, but I would see this signal as having infinite energy and power, so it's neither.

well i think its an energy signal, but i also havent done ne integrations
y dont u do that , i mean why dont u do all the integration and tell us abt the answer, its not that difficult

Sorry guys,
Isn't it for discrete time signals, to calculate energy and power signals, we have to use summations instead of integration?
integration is for continuous time signals, right?
for my own calculation, i found E to infinite. but for P, i don know how to do it,
P = lim(N>inifinity) [ 1/2N+1 ] X E .
if E is infinite, then P = ?
Please advise.

I think it is a energy signal,
because the power of that signal seems zero.

boeysue, how is the power of the signal is zero?
i know the equation to calculate power, but i don know how to apply it.
would u mind to do a calculation for me?

See, any periodic signal is a power signal as we get the integration as finite by dividing it with its period.

Energy is area under the squared signal.
Whereas for power signal we normalize it by dividing it by its period.

Added after 25 minutes:

In signal analysis Energy signal and power signal classification have very high importance.

See Any aperiodic signal have a energy and a Periodic signal has a power.
This is obvious because aperiodic signal is a signal whose amplitude goes to zero as time t tends to infinity hence you can integrate the area under the function.

But think the periodic signal is a signal which do not go to zero it starts at - infinity and extends till +infinity.

So periodic signal will have the infinite Energy. And hence can not be calculated. instead we calculate the energy of one period and then average it over a entier period.

So Energy Signal can not be a power signal and Power signal can not be a energy signal.

I know what is energy and power of a signal
but my question is y we are making large que and cry for it also in all books it was covered very first... why it is so

for any energy signal power is zero and for a power signal energy is zero(refer signals and systems by Simon Haykin) As ur signal is not satisfying above statement it is neither an enery signal nor power isgnal

You can read this books:
Digital Signal Processing by Proakis.
Digital Signal Processing by Oppenheim

Added after 1 minutes:

Signals and Systems by Oppenheim is other very good book.

u can also look for Signals and Systems by Simon Haykin 2nd ed. which is available on the board. Solns also available. It is once again a very good book of its kind. Books by B.P.Lathi are classics.



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