end cap cells
Actually the sparecells that you need to insert in your design will come from the top level designer. But if not then you can insert sparecells equal to 2% of your total design cells. And regarding to the
sparecell list, you can include the cells as per the max number of the types used in your design.
You should use, buffers and inverters, flipflops, muxes, and universal gates in a sufficient amount, so that any functionality can be formed with that and if any timing violations then you can use either buffers or inverters.
Endcaps are placed at the end of cellrows and handle end-of-row well tie-off requirements.
The library does not have well or substrate ties inside the cells. You are required to tie the NWELLS to Vdd and
the substrate to Vss before place-and-route using the FILLTIE cell.
It may help you.