Newbie level 4
I am planning to make a atmega16 based control and data acquisition board connected with a control PC via Ethernet port, where electronic board will be far away from the control PC (may be 100 mt.) inside our own organization. All the computers in our organization network has a fixed IP address (like 172.12.x.XX). Instead of using an Arduino UNO board, can I use a HanRun ENC28J60 chip based module with Atmega16 PDIP IC? If my plan is feasible, can anybody please give me web links to have suggestion and tutorials to learn? I may create a html based GUI in my control PC for control and monitor. Shall I have to allot a fixed IP address to the HanRun board to activate it in our local network? If yes, how? Will it be necessary to know the MAC address of ENC28J60? If yes, how? Ethernet based communication is very new to me.